Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

The Perfect Planner // Mein-Taschenkalender

Today is a bit of a different product post. You know I absolutely love beauty products but another thing I absolutely drool over is stationary. And one thing I always struggle to find is a good planner. I can never find my perfect planner so when I stumbled across this website called I got way too excited. Since the new year has just begun I thought this is the perfect time to share this with you!

My Fall & Winter Reads // 2015

Hello lovelies!

Since the colder months are upon us, I'm getting a lot more into reading again. In the summer I don't particularly have enough concentration to read/finish a book and enjoy it. To me, summer is quite exhausting and I do not want to have anything in my sweaty hands (tmi). So when fall and winter come around, I just want to snuggle into my fuzzy blanket on the sofa, light some candles and relax reading a book.

What's On My iPad Mini 4 // TAG

Hello lovelies!

Today I thought I would show you what's on my new iPad Mini 4.

To be quite honest, I have never been a tablet kind of person because I found them to be unnecessary, if you have a smartphone and a laptop, why would you need a tablet?! But since I'm planning to start university again, I thought instead of carrying a big, bulky and heavy laptop around with me, I might just invest in an iPad.

Staying Strong // A different kind of Blogpost

Just yesterday I saw a video of a little boy, Jonathan, diagnosed with so called Epidermolysis Bullosa which causes his whole skin to blister and peel off of his body. It looks like he's been in a massive fire but he hasn't. If you want to know more about Jonathan and his story, here is the video (x) I saw and if you want to donate money to help Jonathan and other people diagnosed with Epidermolysis Bullosa, you can do that here (x). 

UNIVERSITY // Should I Go?, Tips & Tricks and More

Today I wanted to make a blogpost about university, since I do study as well and I did have quite some struggles to be honest and I wanted to share my experience, my thoughts and also tips and tricks with you to help you out if you're starting uni yourself or just need a bit of advice.

Living with (Social) Anxiety

Today is going to be a different kind of post, no beauty, no make-up, no hair - just me talking to you about a serious topic, (social) anxiety.

It seems that the past few years, anxiety has becoming more and more present and a lot of people suffer from it or know somebody suffering from it. Loads of people on youtube have been "coming out" and telling the world their story of anxiety, panic attacks or depression to raise awareness and let other people know that it can get better - it will get better.